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January 11, 2014



:) ditto. ha

Mary Jo

Same here, too! We moved in when Evan was born over 11 years ago and I feel like we are always in transition. No room is done but some are close!

Missy K

I need to make a similar list.

And then be terrified by it.


THAT'S because you weren't supposed to be there 8-9 years into the future, remember? haha


We have a huge painting project ahead... the previous owners of our house here in NE had the walls all done with flat paint. That means every drop of milk shows and none of it can be washed off. Yikes. I am just going to confess that I am not a patient painter ;)


I have a similar list for my house, although it's because I want to sell it so I can make a new house a home!


I found a great recipe for cleaning blinds- it's one part vinegar and one part water, put an old sock on your hand and get to work!
Good luck with your list!!!

June Huston

Very inspiring! I'm lazy, so I think I'll be much more organized if I make a similar list! Thank you for sharing!

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