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These three crazies (sisters+ step-mom) talked me into going out at 3 AM to shop last night (this morning?!). Ugh, I was so tired- but I had a good time. Got home around 9:30 and passed out on the couch while Esme climbed all over me for two hours. Didn't really buy much except for a very beautiful Dyson vacuum cleaner that I have been wanting forever. I haven't had the energy today to use it, but let me just say that I think I am in love. Will let you know for sure after I do my first vacuum- which I am super excited about! Oh, and Laurell? You make faces when I take pictures and you know it will end up on here :)
Posted at 03:18 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Kid crafts on Thanksgiving day. They had so much fun making these little teepees. We all had a great day on Thursday- Brian's parents came over and we had a huge and wonderful meal and were able to spend some nice time together. The kids played outside all evening- it was great!
My sweet girls:
Declan was too busy to stop and let me take a picture of him!
Posted at 03:13 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Remember how we applied for Esme's citizenship two weeks ago? We got a receipt in the mail and let me just tell you how stinkin excited I was to get this envelope with little mama's name on it! So awesome!! Cannot wait to actually get her citizenship papers- I am sure it will be an emotional day (happy and sad) in so many ways.
Posted at 03:08 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Well, my photo of the day *was* on my phone..until I dropped my phone into a cup of water. oops. And no, it wasn't on purpose :) Luckily, I was able to get a new phone Tuesday night, but being without my phone for 10 hours was really hard! I missed it! So, since no photo of the day- I thought I would post the cute dress and shoes I got to wear to Brian's holiday party coming up. Yep, my man and I get a weekend trip to Boulder WITHOUT the kids.. hooray!!! Should be a fun weekend- hopefully my sister will be in town so I can see her.. but other than that and the party, we are just going to relax and hang out and have fun! My little sister is staying at our house with the kids...she is bringing her 4 kids so they are going to have a big huge cousin weekend. Aislin and Declan are so excited and I know Esme is going to have a blast with all the kids here. Anyway, I found this great dress and shoes and I am so excited to have something cute to wear :) And yes, the shoes are high.. but oh so cute on with the little peep-toe.
Posted at 03:04 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
ahhh it is holiday card time again…trying to get the perfect photo and then either making the perfect card or ordering some online. The past few years I have ordered photo cards online and I admit that at first I felt lazy about doing that. Not anymore :) There are so many cool cards out there- it saves me so much time to just upload a photo and then stick it onto an already cool-designed card.
This year, Shutterfly, has this amazing offer for bloggers: write up a post and get 50 free holiday cards. YAY!!! I have used Shutterfly before for Christmas cards, and always use them when I print photos. A few months ago, I had Esme's adoption photo book printed through Shutterfly and I love it. Love it. I haven't taken our holiday photo yet (soon, soon!) but I have already found several cards to choose from: love this one, and this one.. the birdie on this this card is a fave, and also this super simple, but very cool one here.
To get your free 50 cards from Shutterfly, go HERE!
Posted at 04:16 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
My sister, Erin, came to pick up Aislin this afternoon for a little bit of girl time. They are heading to the salon to get their nails done. I didn't tell Aislin the plan, so when Erin pulled up this afternoon and told Aislin she was there to pick her up, Aislin was so excited!! Makes me happy :) Thanks, Aunt Erin!
Posted at 02:49 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
It is finished!! YAY!! Let me just say that sewing on felt with invisible thread is not fun. ha!! Everything is a bit crooked on this, but I loves it anyway. Next holiday projects: felt gingerbread houses and I am going to try to make a fun tree skirt. I hate to spend tons of money on holiday decorating because it seems I change what I like every year.
Posted at 02:47 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
We celebrated National Adoption Day with some special friends :) Esme lived with all of these beautiful kids when she was in Ethiopia- we are so lucky to be able to get together with these families. We had a great time yesterday with all the kids running around and all the moms and dads just hanging out and enjoying the gorgeous day. We were missing a few families that were here at the last reunion, and we had a few new families this time. Love seeing all of these cute kids together!
We tried to get a couch picture like we did at our last reunion here, but by then most of the kids were pretty done :)
Posted at 12:17 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Finally finally got around to framing the photos that my friend, Sara, took. Love these photos of the kids and so happy to have them on the wall. I framed our family tree, too. One more thing crossed off my list :)
Posted at 12:04 PM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)