guess what was in my garage tonight???? another black widow!!!!!!!! what???? TWO in less than a month?? found this one in the opposite corner from the last one. HUGE. my brother-in-law (i was on the phone with him when i spotted it and almost started crying) suggested that i smoosh it with my shoe. HA! have you seen how fast these things are? and how big and large and big and fat these things are? he didn't understand that if by chance i was fast enough to step down on this killer before it jumped on me and attacked me , that i would surely feel the huge thing squash under my thin flip-flop. no thanks. so, i 7-dusted it. like brian did with the last one. and then i ran inside. and will NOT be in the garage again until there is daylight. i already have two exterminator numbers. and i will be calling tomorrow. ick. linda, i am sure now you are never coming back to visit me. and YES, the new couch is still in the garage!!!!! eeeeeeeeeee