who has big plans for this weekend? I DO. brian and I get to go on a date saturday night. nana is watching the babies, and we are going OUT. yay!! also, the family is coming over on monday & we are having a cook-out, thanks to the prodding of my sister. love you, laurell :-)
3 weeks from today the kids and i head to denver for 2 weeks. SO excited about that. can't wait to go back, see my sister, my friends. think i will do a drive-by of our house to see how the renters are taking care of it!
oh, and those of you who are wondering what exactly my kids are doing in the beach photos... (yes, they are strangely cute :-) aren't they?) aislin is doing a super-pose and deck is making his t-rex scary monster finger.hm. i have no idea where he got that from. but it sure does scare me.
i just created the ugliest layout in the world. just to let you know. looked cool in my mind. not in real life. ok, going to tear it apart now and start over.