yesterday, my dad and my sister had birthdays (Happy Birthday Dad and Erin!!). The fam went over to celebrate and eat :-) The kids played with their cousins and we relaxed .
For some reason, I keep forgetting my other sister, Laurell, is pregnant. Not like her belly isn't big to remind me(haha, just teasing, Laurell). yesterday, she turned around and I saw the belly, I was like, Oh, yeah!!! I'm an idiot. I really am excited- no more babies for us, but now I will be able to squeeze and love on my little nephew that will be here in July! yay!
We had to rush home to watch my favorite family show, Extreme Home Makeover. Seriously, I love it. So does Aislin. She has stayed up late more Sunday nights and taken more two seconds baths because of that show! I love it. Did I already say that? It just gives such a good feeling. And it always seems to make me want to do *something*. For other people. not sure what, but it just makes me want to act, you know? I've always wanted to volunteer somewhere, I have just never sat down and really did anything about it. So, last night I started researching ways to help in Atlanta. Found a few sites, a few things that would be possible with my schedule and with the kids. One is working with AID Gwinnett delivering meals. The other is working at The Nicholas House sharing my "talent, hobby or profession" I think scrapbooking would fit in there- it is all three of those things for me! They need people to help do crafts, projects and fun stuff with the kids that stay there for after-school activities. Another would be UMC Children's Home - as an activity leader or reading partner. I am going to do a little more research and then try to volunteer at one of these places. I want to get the kids involved, too- it would be so good for them. Anyone that has any volunteer experiences, let me know- I would love to hear about them!