I let my children play in a nest of water moccasins aka cottonmouths.
The story? We were at the park on Wednesday, with Aislin and Declan's cousin (9 yrs old) and two other friends (7 and 8 yrs old). They were all down by this little (and I mean LITTLE, like pond like) lake trying to catch tadpoles. (have I mentioned how icked out those things make me?). A little stream that leads into the lake flows down a rocky little path, perfect for the kids to climb on and around and over to the other side where it is a little forest-y (not a word, I know). With the kids on other side of rocks, I tell them to be careful - there could be snakes (not really thinking that, just want them to be careful). (oh, and I just want to mention that I would have NEVER let A & D do this... EVER... but their cousin was helping them along and they were loving it and having such a good time). My brother-in-law calls the kids to come back to our side, they start coming back over the rocks when my friend spots the snake... less than 8 FEET AWAY FROM THE KIDS. It is up on a rock, then slithers (away from the kids) under some brush. HURRY up and get out of there, I yell. When they all get on our side, we are just standing there *shocked* and I spot TWO more HUGE cottonmouths on rocks about a foot from where the other one was. HUGE. ONES. LIKE 3-4 FEET LONG AND 2-3 INCHES THICK. HUGE. I almost died. really. i did. they are aggressive. they usually stand their ground when threatened. and they are more venomous/dangerous than most of the other poisonous snakes around here. they like to lie dormant on a rock near the water and wait for prey. and I know that if we saw 3 within a few feet of each other, there were more. i just get the shivers thinking about the kids near those. walking right there where the snakes were all around them. I called the park yesterday to let them know. They knew the exact spot I was talking about- apparently they had cleared a TON of cottonmouths out of that same spot last year. I guess they will do the same this year. I am just SO glad none of the kids 1. got bitten 2. were that scared. Aislin was a little frightened, but she quickly got over it. Being in Colorado for so long, I had completely forgotten about cottonmouths in the south. not anymore.
How horrible...but if they cleared them out last year, perhaps a sign would be in order???
Posted by: Marie | April 07, 2006 at 12:04 PM
Ahhhhhhhhhhh!! I am NEVER coming to Atlanta. Oh, I can only imagine how freaked you were! Thank goodness all the kiddos were okay! you really wouldn't expect to see snakes at a park, though, would ya?
Posted by: joanna | April 07, 2006 at 03:27 PM
Posted by: Erin | April 07, 2006 at 11:27 PM
Oh Renee that story just sent shivers down my spine. How scary for you all.
Posted by: Lee | April 07, 2006 at 11:43 PM
OMG..I am so grossed out right now. Oh man that is terrible!! EEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK!!!
Posted by: teresa | April 08, 2006 at 10:09 AM
soooo scary! I cannot even imagine as a have a HUGE fear of snakes!
Posted by: Shelby | April 10, 2006 at 06:59 PM
yikes!! sounds scary! :) and the fact that there is no "warning: snake zone" sign is a little wrong! :)
Posted by: rebekah | April 11, 2006 at 01:42 PM
Oh my gosh, Renee.... I am still shaking from this story. I would have been a SHRIEKING crazy lady. I got freaked out by the dead garter snake in our yard two years ago.
Posted by: elizabeth | April 11, 2006 at 08:53 PM
Oh I am dying just thinking about this....cannot even think about how much your purse weighs....this is the heavy thing on my mind...YIKEs....I thought R-snakes here were bad...but had not even considered cottonmouths....So glad you are safe!
Posted by: janel | April 12, 2006 at 12:27 AM