ok I really did :-) I had SUCH a great time in Birmingham!!!! I was Jenn and Leslie's little helper in the cool DW inspiration class- it was such fun! Those two are such great teachers-- I loved being able to see them work it!
We were able to sit in on some classes throughout the weekend... they were all so fabulous and so motivating! I seriously have had some major stuff going on lately and this weekend was so inspiring and so wonderful! Totally made me see things in a different way and totally made me get motivated to really take control of a few things I need to!
I met a TON of new friends- so many ultra-sweet ultra-cool girls there! I love meeting new people! Hi to my new friends!!!! :-)
ok let's talk about my fever. Saturday night. oh boy. Hung out all night with some really cool fun friends... of course my loves, Leslie and Jenn (who loves being blog-less :-) ).. but also my cutie pie Elsie, and gorgeous girl Carrie and her awesome boy, Brad. Oh trouble. These guys probably think I am one big nut... but we had fun- and took about 8 billion photos with Carrie's/Brad's camera that I am sure I will regret one day. I guess I will have to send Carrie and Brad one NICE wedding present to bribe them (DELETE those awful photos of Renee NOW Brad!!!!!) hee hee. I'll have to get a few photos from them and then see what photoshop can do to make me look better :-) AND ... Congrats to Carrie and Brad who are getting married this coming weekend- so super cool - they are such a neato :-) couple!!
Just a few photos that I have...
this beauty loves me so much
(Hi Leslie!! kiss kiss):
THIS is who I slept with all weekend
(she's hot, huh???) hiya Jenn :-)
snuggle snuggle
this girl thinks
I am cuckoo for
cocoa puffs::
hi Elsie-poo :-)
what I did all weekend ::
hi cookie/brownie smooshed
together (I LOVE YOU my sweet sweet dessert *smooch*)